Proxy Issues

504 Gateway Timeout: Solve It in Seconds

Jan 18, 2024
thumbnail 504 Gateway Timeout: Solve It in Seconds

Encountering a "504 Gateway Timeout" may appear as a formidable obstacle in the realm of web browsing, but with the appropriate knowledge, it becomes a manageable challenge. This comprehensive guide serves as your gateway to comprehending and surmounting this digital barrier. Upon completing this resource, you will not only possess a solid understanding of web servers and network communication but also possess proactive tools to prevent future timeouts. Embrace 9Proxy to transition from a casual web user to a proficient digital explorer.


What Is a 504 Gateway Timeout Error?


A 504 Gateway Timeout error is a specific type of HTTP status code that occurs when a server, functioning as a gateway or proxy, fails to get a response in time from another server that it needs in order to complete a browser's request.


To put it plainly, when you attempt to access a webpage, your browser sends a request to the server where the website is stored. But, to deliver the full content of the page, the website's server often needs to gather additional data from other sources like databases, APIs, or separate servers. If any of these external sources take too long to send back the necessary data, the main server cannot fulfill the browser's request, leading to the appearance of a 504 Gateway Timeout error on your screen.


504 Gateway Timeout Error
504 Gateway Timeout Error


504 Bad Gateway Timeout Error Causes and Variations


The 504 Gateway Timeout error is a message you might see on your web browser, indicating there's a delay in how the webpage you're trying to reach is being loaded. Often, this issue is temporary and can be caused by various factors.


One common cause is on the user's end, such as problems with your own Internet connection. If your network is unstable, this could lead to the error.


On the technical side, the error may also result from issues in the communication between different servers on the internet. Sometimes, the server that holds the website you want to visit needs to communicate with another server to get information, and if there's a disruption in this process, you'll see a 504 error.


Servers can experience difficulties for several reasons:


  • They might be receiving more traffic than they can handle, which is like too many cars trying to drive on a road at the same time, leading to a traffic jam.
  • There could be a problem with the website's code, which is like the instructions that tell the server how to assemble the webpage.
  • The server might be temporarily offline for maintenance or updates, meaning it's intentionally taken down by the people who run it, and once their work is done, it will be back online.
  • Issues with DNS (Domain Name System) can also cause this error. DNS is akin to a phonebook for the internet that matches website names to their digital addresses; problems here mean your browser can't find the right server.

Moreover, other services that act as intermediaries, like CDN (Content Delivery Networks) services, which help speed up loading times for websites, or API (Application Programming Interface) gateways, which allow different software programs to communicate with each other, could also be involved in causing the error.


Websites can present the 504 error message in different ways since they have the freedom to customize the message to fit their style. Some common variations include:


  • “504 Gateway Timeout”
  • "504 Gateway Timeout NGINX" (NGINX is a type of web server software)
  • “Gateway Timeout Error”
  • “Error 504”
  • “HTTP 504”
  • “HTTP Error 504 – Gateway Timeout”
  • “504 Error”
  • “The page request got canceled because it took too long to complete”
  • “This page isn’t working – [Domain] took too long to respond”
  • “504 Gateway Time-out – The server didn’t respond in time”


Causes and Variations
Causes and Variations 


How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error


Below are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and possibly resolve this error.


Refresh the Page


Often, the simplest solution can be the most effective. By refreshing the webpage, you give the server another chance to complete your request. You can do this by clicking the refresh or reload button near your browser's address bar, or by pressing F5 on your keyboard. For a more thorough attempt, press Ctrl + F5 to clear your browser's cache and force a complete refresh.


Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error
Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error


Restart Your Network Devices


If there's a problem with your home network, it could lead to a 504 error. Turn off your modem and router, then turn them back on, starting with your modem and then the router, to re-establish the internet connection properly. This sequence ensures your network devices re-sync correctly with your internet service provider.


Restart Your Network Devices
Restart Your Network Devices


Try a Different Browser


Browser issues can also cause a 504 error. Test the webpage in a different browser or in incognito mode to eliminate the possibility of a browser-specific problem. Clearing your browser's cache can also be beneficial, as it removes stored data that could be outdated or corrupted.


Flush DNS


DNS (Domain Name System) converts website names into IP addresses. An outdated DNS cache can cause errors, including a 504 Gateway Timeout. Flushing the DNS cache removes the old cache and can solve the problem. The process varies by operating system, but on Windows, you can do this by:


  • Pressing the Windows+R keys, typing cmd, and pressing Enter to open the command prompt.
  • Typing ipconfig /flushdns and pressing Enter. A successful message should appear if the flush was successful.


Flush DNS
Flush DNS


Check Your Proxy Server Settings


Proxy servers offer privacy by hiding your IP address and can encrypt your web requests. However, incorrect proxy settings can interfere with web browsing and cause a 504 error. If you're using a proxy server, review or disable your proxy settings to see if they are causing the issue.


To disable proxy settings in Windows 10, initiate the process by clicking on the Start button and selecting the gear icon to access the Settings page. In this menu, navigate to the Network & Internet section and click on Proxy in the left pane. Subsequently, disable the "Use proxy server" option under Manual proxy setup.


Check Your Proxy Server Settings
Check Your Proxy Server Settings


Test with Different Devices


Try accessing the website from a different computer or a smartphone to determine if the problem is with your device. If the error appears across multiple devices, it's likely that the issue is on the server side.


Check CDN


A CDN (Content Delivery Network) helps to distribute website content efficiently. If you are using a CDN like Cloudflare and encounter a 504 error, check the CDN's system status. If there are known issues, you may need to contact their support team or temporarily disable the CDN until the issue is resolved.


Spam, Bots, or DDoS Attacks


Sometimes, a 504 error can be caused by an overwhelming amount of traffic from spam, bots, or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. These can overload your server. Reviewing access logs can identify suspicious levels of activity from certain IP addresses, which you can then block to prevent further issues


Spam, Bots, or DDoS Attacks
Spam, Bots, or DDoS Attacks


SEO Impact of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error


Errors labeled with a "5xx" status code are indicative of server-related problems, specifically when a server fails to fulfill an internet request. Such issues, when occurring on a website, can negatively impact the user's experience, potentially harming the website's reputation.


It's important to recognize that search engines, like Google, monitor websites for these errors. Extended periods of a 504 Gateway Timeout error can lead to a website being considered unreliable or down. This can result in the website being lowered in search engine rankings, which affects its visibility on the internet.


Promptly addressing a 504 Gateway Timeout error is therefore critical. Swift action not only restores functionality but also safeguards the website's standing with search engines and its overall user perception.


SEO Impact of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error
SEO Impact of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error




How long does a 504 Gateway Timeout error typically last?


A 504 Gateway Timeout error can last from a few seconds to several hours, depending on the underlying problem causing it.


Are there logs that can help diagnose a 504 Gateway Timeout error?


Yes, server logs can help identify the reasons behind a 504 error.


Are there any browser extensions that could help manage 504 errors?


No extension can correct a 504 error, but some can refresh the page automatically, which may be useful if the error is resolved quickly.


Is it possible for a 504 Gateway Timeout error to resolve on its own?


Yes, in cases like temporary network issues or server overloads, a 504 error might resolve without user action.




In conclusion, while a 504 Gateway Timeout error can be a temporary hiccup or a sign of more significant server issues, understanding and troubleshooting with the right approach can help alleviate the problem. Remember that such errors are common and, in many cases, can be resolved with simple fixes or even resolve on their own. For more insights into navigating online hurdles and enhancing your web experience, keep exploring our blog at 9Proxy. We're dedicated to bringing you practical solutions and easy-to-follow guides to ensure your digital journey is smooth and uninterrupted.

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